Saturday, May 15, 2010

Carol's New Medical Healthcare Reform Trip

April 19 - 30, 2010

Remember when our friends Bob & Carol were here in November for Thanksgiving? That was the time that Carol decided to design her own healthcare reform plan. And, it was the time the political leaders were fighting over healthcare reform in the US The idea behind this was that the cost of her medical insurance in the US was starting to get out of hand and the cost for excellent medical care here is dirt cheap as compared to the US. The way Carol looked at all this was to cancel her regular medical insurance, get a major medical policy, come to Costa Rica every so often for the routine work. The money she would save would pay for a vacation here every quarter. And, it was much more simple and less costly than what the political leaders came up with. -Ahh Costa Rica - what more could you ask for?

Carol's healthcare venture here began on April 19th. With the tax season over along with the miserable Tennessee winter they had,  it was time to relax a bit and enjoy the beautiful Costa Rica weather.

Stef had some plans in store for the time Carol was visiting here. Carol knew a little bit about it, but didn't know that she was about to become an official member of the Girls Ya' Ya' Club. Stef had made some big plans for the girl's Friday card game. She made arrangements for her massage girl to give massages, and the nail gals from town to come do manicures & pedicures. The event was to start at 9:00 AM and last all day. This convinced me that I didn't need to be around, so I headed to San Jose. It's was really a good idea that I left as you will see below:

Yep, Bloody Mary's in the morning, massages, nails done, cards and more to drink. You can see the effects of this in the picture above. This is what I came home to, but it was good that they had fun. Welcome to the Girl's Ya' Ya' Club Carol.

Now for the medical part of the trip. - What Carol wanted to do was to get her eyes checked - and get some new glasses for driving. Stef got them set up with an eye doctor, and you are not going to believe the results. The exam was $20, Guess what? Both Carol and Stef found out that they had been wearing their contact in the wrong eye for years!! Both of them can see much better now. Carol ordered a pair of glasses for driving and another for reading tiny print. When she got them, she could read things better than ever before, and the cost for both pairs was around $200 - Not a bad price for all of that would you say?

After a few more days of relaxing and reading her books ( Carol loves to read), it was time to head back to Tennessee. The night before she left, we went out for dinner along with our good friends Ed & Johanna. A good time was had by all as you can see in the picture below.

Carol, as always, it was a joy having you here - Your next scheduled medical visit is scheduled when? Looking forward to it!!!!!

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