Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Wild and Crazy Bunch

September 11 - 18

Our daughter Amanda was wanting to see her friends again - Instead of her going back to Nashville, they all decided to come here to see her. What a crew!!

Top Row (left to right) you will see: Tommy, Jenny, Brenda, Amanda, Dani
Bottom Row (left to right) are: Jimmy, Brad, Leslie and Toby

They rolled into our humble abode the afternoon of 9/11/2009, and the party started the minute they got out of the van. The first order of business was to initiate our pool, and they did a very good job. Cool refreshing Costa Rica water, and plenty of refreshments. That's what Costa Rica is all about.
After they finished with the pool it was time to have dinner - Amanda's favorite place to dine is La Troja, so she took them there for a fine steak dinner. As you can see, they had a great time.

The next night, Amanda took them to Jalapeno's that has a rock band on Friday nights. They partied until the cops were called (not because of them, but because of the loud music). Stef and I met them there to try and keep things under control, but it was a useless effort. On the far left, the guy with the white hair is our new neighbor Dan who just happened to go there for a nice quiet meal.

Remember what I said about the police? This is how the girls handled them. Good thing that I know the Chief.


The next morning they headed off for a few days in Manuel Antonio - Not sure what they did, but I am certainly sure they had a good time. Amanda found and rented a very nice 5 bedroom home near the beach at $200 per night - We found out later that it was one hell of a great deal.

This is Amanda's good friend Mary Gray whom she met at Spanish class. Mary G is the same age as Amanda and they became close friends. Mary Gray was a teacher at the school, but ended up having to go back to the States. They had great times together. She is a really sweet gal and will be missed.

The gang returned the day before they were to depart back to the US. We had a BBQ for them where Toby grilled all the food on "Big Red." I guess that they really liked the pool because they were back in it shortly after they arrived.

After dinner, they partied until the wee hours of the morning. When I got up the next morning, there were suitcases laying on the patio and people all over the place. Got a feeling their flight back is going to be a little difficult.

These are some really great people that we have grown to know and love over the years. They have been Amanda's closest friends.

Although I am getting a little old to keep up with you guys - YOU ARE WELCOME BACK ANYTIME!

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