Friday, April 30, 2010

Cost of Living Here

I have had several people tell me that the cost of things are very high here in Costa Rica. Yes, some things are high.Some of this has to do with with the import duties here. I really get a little sick of this crap because I have experienced many positive things about costs here. These are:
  • Electronics - yep, expect to pay more for them, or just bring them in from the US.
  • Plastics - again, yes they are more expensive.
  • American foods -  you had better believe it - If you want to continue to live with those kinds of foods, then you had better expect to pay for them.
These are just a few things that we need to get used to paying excessive monies for, but Stef and I found out that if you quit thinking American and think more Costa Rican, you will save money,  Now, let me tell you the facts about costs:
  • Health Insurance - we went from $800 a month with our Blue Cross to $40 per month when we became residents and went on the State run program - I love it -  the doctors are great, the hospitals are great and you don't have to wait for hours to get served.
  • Property Taxes - where in the US can you pay $400 per year for a $600,000 home? 
  • Labor - we pay about $50 a week for a gardener who works 27 hours a week on our yard and does a fantastic job. - Stef pays our housekeeper $40 a week for a new gal who is here 2 days a week and does great. We also have another great gal who cleans our patio and takes care of our pool for about $20 a week. - The last time we had someone clean our house in the states, this ahole said he deserved $200 for one day's work - figure that one out. - Are you reading this?
  • Food - where in the US can you go to have dinner and have meat, salad and vegetables for under $3? Stef goes to the market on Friday's - buys fruit and vegetables and other for less than $6
  • Medical - How about $20 a month for a doctor who makes house calls and the deductible is $20? Our doctor here (Dr. Candy) has found problems with us that the US doctors never knew. - Stef just went to an eye doctor here where they charged $20 for an eye exam. Guess what? - Stef was told that she was wearing her contact in the wrong eye for the last 10 years. This is after she had seen 3 eye doctors in the US who told her she was fine. - Dental - figure on 1/3 the cost here from that in the US for advanced procedures from that of the US.
  • And much more..
Yep, some things are going to cost you more, but you had really need to take a look at the big things, which really overwhelm the costs of the smaller items. - Think about it.


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